Easy, fast, fun, oh...and beautiful (of course)

I’m super happy to announce that I’m partnering with the PCA at ISM to provide a ‘get-those holiday-photos-done-quickly-and-easily-this-year!!!’ event called the PCA Holiday Portrait Party. Spaces are limited, so if this interests you I’d sign up soon. The way it works is simple. Pay for your slot/s at the cashier’s desk at school, turn up on the day at the Middle School Courtyard at your chosen time (don’t be late, you’ll lose the slot and have to buy a new one, if available) and I’ll take four professional, super lovely ;-) photos of you & your family. Leave your email with me, and a week later they’ll appear in your own private gallery here on the website. That’s it! Download them, make a card, or don’t make a card and just send them home for the holidays, etc. It will be fun, and a great way to support the fabulous PCA. I very much hope to see you there.

It’s a ‘ber month after all ;-)

PCA Holiday Poster.jpeg